and how does time eat its own tail?

and how does time eat its own tail?
how do you come back from the walls of the dead
to bar my heart from fear and doubt?
the answer has been given
in sound silences and contradictory bodies
that rock into lullabies of lies and mischief.
I dare you to walk through the walls
and face your light as it spreads from the river
of souls
to the river of mine.
Stand and scream for your death is but a dream
designed to keep you ensnarled
tamed and resigned.
I, however, sit on the other margin of the bank
and with one hand
drown the heroes
strangle the fools
and whip the weak

and again sit

forever alone.
for the one who can face me hides his shining light
underneath the muddy walls
and there he intends to stay
as being buried is by far better than facing that eerie
woman, half mouth, half tail
who sits by the river bank
eating up time and swirling its own shade.
