
had I been given more than poverty
I'd be darker, taller, Nubian
had my father been darker
I would have been your equal
but I will die in poverty
having you dive in it
I'm giving you it
the inheritance of my father
my poverty I give to you
when I laugh hair disheveled over
your legs your face
your eyes that closed in the dark
dreamt of me drew me delineated me
beyond what I ever was
or will be
my poverty I offer you in honesty
in large richness in abundance
wine and milk
my poverty I spill over you
every time we laugh together
and your body quivers
accepting it taking it devouring it
for poverty
knows no end
south of us
longing days

one instant far away
you will quiver
from remembering in the dark
and we will still be poor
love not to be contained

my hair someone else will find
growing through the craves...
