I have the glory of being able to say that of pain

you said you tried to imagine
the pain
and for you if not for me
for my memory fails me every minute
I will tell
about the lonesomeness of the hospital
bedroom amidst the bitter lying voices
of the nurses of the emergency room
bitches indeed
who scourged of me, a remnant of pre
historical times and humanes no longer alive
one amiss
screaming the pain of the blades that tore my organs
inside out yelling so loud and clear para o caralho
para o caralho vão todos para o caralho
quando já tinha implorado por morfina
quando já atirara pés por sobre as mesas
e enterrado unhas nas carnes macias das meninas
enfermeirinhas e enfermeirinhos
filhos de putas e cabrões
a quem não ensinaram a dar amor, cuidados, carinhos
so the animals poked holes in my veins that tore in lakes of bluish purple
deafened blood on purpose
let's pretend this is her fault and show her what pain is
be still or we might not find the hose
that was the joke
you ridiculous pretense of human beings
my pain is something you will never feel for your nerves were cut short
at birth
and lobotomies were slowly performed
in every school you ever set foot
I have the glory of being able to say that of pain
the whole heartedly process I do
repeated it once and twice and thrice and more
first my father and the punches and the ropes
then her father and my wrists twisting under his
as my uterus flowered in gulfs of red all over the carpet
finally me
missing such memories of lovingly violence
feeling so lonely in the middle of nothing
that my body wrote I LOVE YOU
in sharp stones on the inside of my kidney walls
and then my body screamed I LOVE YOU
and started throwing stones until no more could pass
and a whole white wall had been erected
and no more water no more blood
and my poor heart murmured once i love you
and drowned, so tired, so tired, so tired
and finally They said: we were wrong, I am sorry
you cannot leave but you must behave
and tied me down to the bed, head upright every hour
muffled moans of morphine
and they poked more holes in my arms left and right
more holes through hidden channels that you almost licked
like an amorous cat in some future memory
I fleetingly catch to never let go
And I kissed my Daughter
Recognized Antigona in the operation room
and turned off.
the latina beast finally put down
so the american doctors sigh in relief and unisson
no sex until you come back and we tear you open again
the pain was something like this
more or less
but I only cried my tears of sorrow for seconds forgotten already
while They,
They will never imagine the beauty there is
In Me
